Popular Russian Salutes Obama

Popular Russian Salutes Obama
She gives the news in Russian, says Barack Obama, then punctuates his name with universal sign language.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Bust USA Strategy


Thoughtless, reckless Democrats and RINO REpublicans managed to run up a $15 TRILLION DEBT with China. Many people speculated that bailouts would save hedge fund risk takers from being thrown from office windows by irate Arabs and Chinese who know money does not just "EVAPORATE" as US investors are lead to believe. The mutual fund people cannot grab your IRA legally so they will steal all your interest. First the internet "bubble" got all my interest, then Global Crossing, then Enron. Finally, like most investors...an intelligent investment. No more stock or mutual funds...buying what I like, then it is a good investment I can look at or perhaps eat later.

A few months back, careless US government people were playing even crazier and far deadlier "Fast and Furious" version trying to get Mexicans, Latin-Americans and US government people killed needlessly in an effort to get guns banned in America and accomplish Communist Objective #106 or whichever one is unfullfilled.
This kind of mentality should be met with "Non-lethal Chinese Water Torture"or "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques" i.e. Injustice Department heads and "Go-Along DEA big shots" should be strapped to tables with water dripping on their heads with a six hour nap in their beds. Pulling these 16 hour shifts allowing lunch and potty breaks would loosen a few tougues without MORE bloodshed. Then the guilty parties could get a "Thomas Jefferson" ideology two week military tribunal as terrorists (since US and Mexican citizens of at least 3 border states ARE still in terror over this liberal progressive nitwittery releasing 100s of untracked lethal weapons into drug cartel hands, but liberals like drug cartels anyway...so no problem...for THEM!) instead of a jury trial as normal citizens which "Speedy Trial"will never happen...and be hanged on a Monday if the last day fell on a Sunday or a hoilday. Half of all their worldly goods should go to the victims' widows and children, the other half to the offenders' widows and families. And you thought Thomas Jefferson was a liberal Democrat? Is hanging too harsh? Maybe...Perhaps a law to make government employee/civil service firing "Fast and Furious"? Our capable Congress is capable of just about ANYTHING...especially if none of the laws they pass apply to THEM personally but always to the "Man (shot down?) in the street?
In the computer age it does not require 20 years of "Appeals" to determine guilt or innocence so why did someone seen murdering a police officer in the middle of a street by his own peers, get denied "Thomas Jefferson" justice and released to make a lot of money giving speeches to liberal groups with much more money than common sense after a 20 year "vacation" on the taxpayers' "dime"? The "cop-killer" would LIKE to see his name in even more print. He has NO reason now to regret his foul, evil deed. Yes, the policemen's widow did suffer endless appeals, recycled agony until she decided she had had enough suffering endless appeals, and recycled agony and "threw in the towel" so to speak. YES the killer should be adopted by and grafted surgically to the judge who freed him instead of gifting him Jeffrey Dahmer's cellmate. How does justice get so BLIND? Maybe unscrupolus, greedy lawyers and their counterpart JUDGES need some of this "justice" in their personal lifes...Jess Keeding Ofcourse (JKO) knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men and women.
And speaking of "what evil lurks in the hearts of men and women":
Newt Gingrich's avid, rabid, sponsoring of the “Global Warming Prevention Act of 1989 is the 1911 45 calibre “smoking gun” of Newt-wittery. Did Newt Gingrich become the "evil genius" behind the dim-bulb AL Gore when Gingrich declared climate change, “a major threat to political stability, international security and economic prosperity"? Did Newt Gingrich reap an ill-gotten fortune like Gore from the myth SOMEBODY created? Did Newt Gingrich sell "out of thin-air
" carbon credits for fun and profit or did he just enable "greedy, hot air" scam artists like Al Gore and their anthropogenic or mankind Caused Global Warming nonsense espousers to fool decent, gullible naive people into paying them for "carbon credits"? Although the cover is blown for the scam...the liars NEVER GIVE UP.
BTW, organically-grown products are not provably different from those grown hydrophonically or using chemical fertilizers. Ever "burn" your yard with "natural" cow manure? Spread directly, like political slogans from Democrats, this stuff just kills grass and other vulnerable plants.
It seems that in 1832, German Friederich Wohler, a medical school graduate, accomplished synthesis of urea, an organic chemical, from inorganic materials. This dealt a death blow to the “Vitalism” theory that molecules from living matter were not different than those from non-living, “inorganic” materials. Friederich Wohler proved all molecules are the same.

Did millionaire lotto winner turned honey businessman become target of unknown allergy death lawsuit when lawyer found a source for bee venom and placed said venom in a newly-purchased jar of "Lotto Winner Brand Honey"? Did a bee sting victim get de-venomized by a blood cleaner machine then the venom re-cycled to make the lawyer's case with a hired venom expert declaring,"Yes, a sensitized person COULD DIE from honey contaminated by BEE VENOM!" HMMM...widow got the new Ford, lawyer got the new Rolls Royce and the lawyer's brother-in-law bought the honey business from the disgusted former-millionaire who wishes he had just "gone through" all the money like a regular guy? Cannot name the company BUT disclaimer/warning APPEARS to indicate a lawsuit or lawsuit prevention was idea behind printed insert.

A mob of Black youth stormed the fairgrounds to attack white patrons.

Some say hip-hop at the Wisconsin fairgrounds motivated the attacks. Some claim the youth were avenging Barack Obama’s reputation against white critics which is a bit of a stretch. And still, others are saying it is simply the fact that Black youth don’t know how to act in public as Mayor Nutter of Philadelphia has proclaimed words to the effect...paraphrased..."You go to a job interview with uncombed hair and a comb tucked into your back of head hair. Your pants are dragging the floor, your shirt tail is out. You have neck tattoos. You do not get hired. Why? From what the interviewer sees...YOU CRAZY!" And he adds that they "Disgrace their own race." Mayor Nutter's words NOT OURS. In many sites on the internet and was in the news.

Despite what may have started things, flash mob violence is not an isolated or NEW incident. Reports of these “flash-mobs” have appeared in various cities around the USA, leaving parents, community leaders and law enforcement officials searching for sensible ways to explain and contain the widespread violence.
At the Port of Long Beach on December 12, 2011 in Long Beach, California, following a general strike coordinated by Occupy Oakland to help out union thugs attempting to steal other unions' jobs that closed the Oakland port on November 2, hundreds are expected to try to be free pawns and get arrested so that police will make a lot of money in over-time locking their ill-informed opinionated buttocks away.
Still more idle pawns harass SSA Marine, a shipping and trucking company which pays taxes and union workers and pawn "misguided tool"youths are used to fight union worker contract people FOR other union workers who want their jobs.
A North Carolina school district forced a principal into retirement and issued an apology after investigating the sexual harassment claim made by principal Jerry Bostic, the school district determined he overreacted with 4th grader three-day suspension over 9-year-old Emanyea Lockett calling his teacher “cute.”
Jerry Bostic told WSOC "Eyeball" 9 News,"
"One mistake in 44 years, and I'm not given the benefit of the doubt. I really don't believe I was treated fairly."
People from coast-to-coast are scratching their heads and wondering, "What in the world was said besides,"cute" to launch this happening. Taxpayers will be supporting a guy retired instead of a guy being principal AND a principal replacement doing what little the principal was doing as "work"which leads to making zero mistakes in 44 years. Usually, the harder one is working for years, the more mistakes accumulate. If you are NOT making mistakes occasionally, and NOT Rush Limbaugh, who admits to a flub occasionally...you make mistakes. maybe the principal who seems to be a paleface needs forgiveness like others.
WATCH OUT tree lizards in gecko family! FBI thinks Gecko German ammunition killed Brooklyn rapper Christopher "Notorious B.I.G." Wallace in 1997. If FBI waits another 14-15 years they may not have to arrest anyone at all. That killer of magnitude known as "natural causes" may terminate the killer AND this "cold case" for them. Lawyers at FBI are so tired from looking in two places for evidence that they have leaked the details about the "rare 9MM ammunition" so that genpop or general population can lend them a hand. Some police and FBI allegedly point fickle finger of blame at maverick Los Angeles Police Department cop David Mack for bank robbery and "Biggie"Wallace's death although the ammunition may have been different.
On a Saturday night in Chicago, Illinois in mid June a gang of 15-20 vulnerable "Children" beat and robbed at least 5 people including a 68 year old. Police in Streeterville, the Gold Coast and the Magnificent Mile, acknowledge "pack dog" "wilding" as a growing problem and have implemented several new countermeasures including several arrests of possible mis-leaders including two 17-year-olds and an 18-year-old that will be tried as adults. Juvenile delinquency laws prevent public identification of suspects.
Occasionally on Sunday afternoons, Chicago police helicopters AKA JAFO may be heard flying back and forth along Lake Michigan and may even be heard nearby at Lake Shore Park, at Chicago Avenue and Lake Shore Drive. Police are monitoring surveillance cameras on Michigan and Chicago avenues and State Street, to name a few.
As for rampant criminality amongst Occupy This and THATers target big Wall Street brokerages increasingly infested with Democratic Party members. Some of Mr. Obama's biggest contributors are lame brain "one percenters" and his class war is supposedly costing him a lot of money he will have to make up with Arab, general government civil service "workers" and union money.
Federal judges who emulate and follow European law put European law in higher esteem because US liberal judges see Europeans as superior somehow despite the United States saving them trillions of dollars in defense costs and placing no duties or tariffs on European goods while Euro weiners see fit to embargo our beef and tariff our "allowed"products via bad treaties yet through it all, they dislike us. For our "interference", our President Obama apologizes to Europe in Berlin and elsewhere while our Federal Reserve Chairman Dr. Bernanke prints yet another $8 trillion for Europeans to waste bailing out Greece and Spain STILL wasting other people's money. Bernanke, "our active executive officer"of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System has been quite secretive some of this mad money will come back as "investments" buying up American goods and real estate. The Federal Reserve Board was created in 1913 with heads of the twelve district "Federal Reserve Banks"called "Governors" under the major progressive SNAFU Federal Reserve Act and had a Board of Directors. October 23, 1914 found $368,616,990 in total US money, emergency currency issued under the Aldrich-Vreeland Law was entirely withdrawn in November, 1914 when the 12 regional Federal Reserve banks opened for business. The Banking Act of 1935 was passed by liberal Democrats for reorganization of the Federal Reserve into its present day liberal progressive **expletive**which upgraded the district heads titles from Governor to Presidents as in President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Los Angeles.