National debt ignoramuses see no need for a budget. Congress has NONE in past 2-3 years. Why? Why should they care? A few DO care, but they are so few that they have no effect on their spendthrift, power-drunk cohorts.
After being warned to cut 3-4 TRILLION by financial experts, they decided to MAYBE cut 300 Billion and a special Democrat-controlled committee will probably cut that paltry percentage to zilch.
When National debt ignoramuses of Congress raised the debt ceiling, they caused the USA credit rating to go down.
Sometime around September 20th,2011, it was announced that the debt ceiling needs another raising and the credit rating...another in TORN DOWN!
The crowd we flushed in 2010 are laughing because sorry Boehner has caved in YET again...and the new ones are not making sorry no-good Boehner do right by us taxpayers.
Levity injected HERE...
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